We’ve talked a bit about things that may be a bit negative in our last few posts. Today I want to talk about something a bit more deep that we’ve learned this past week.
People say that “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. ” I’d like to humbly propose that those people have never had to line up 160 garden chairs or make 40 beds on 3 levels in two different houses. They probably also haven’t mowed and raked and mulched and power washed and, and, and, all in preparation for a 12 hour day where they wear about 20 different hats all with a smile on their face. Because that’s just a sliver of what owning a wedding venue is like. It’s a ton of hard work, But we love it. Guests have mentioned to me that they see Josh hauling garbage at 1am with a giant smile on his face. Just this last weekend we laughed and laughed when we realized all the time we spent lining up those garden chairs was lost because they were not lined up to the door the bride was exiting. The Thursday before our last wedding, Paige and I spent hours making beds, and enjoyed the heck out of that time we got to spend together.
This entire last week has brought us back to our “why.” We spent the beginning of the week finishing up the floors (for the 3rd time!) with the help of our groom, Todd and our friend Dan. Then we spent all day Saturday loving on Todd and Melissa and really getting our hands dirty to serve them the best we can, and we had a blast. I remembered that we’re in this because we love people and we love marriage. There really isn’t a better job in the world for people who have a God-given passion for those two things.
So I guess what we’ve learned this week is this : Don’t get so caught up in day to day tasks and deadlines that you forgot why God put you here in the first place.
What do you think? What did you learn this week? Do you need to remember your why moving forward? Drop a comment below and tell me all about it! I’d love to hear from you.
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